Karen McCarthy
Keynote speaker on change and resilience


Turning blind determination into limitless resilience

More than a theory or a philosophy from a textbook, Karen talks about change and resilience from her experience as a lawyer and a mother who lost her eyesight - and nearly her life.

Karen McCarthy Resilience Speaker Cane Illustration

See Karen’s story


Karen’s keynote maps her adaption to change around her personal framework for growing in the face of adversity. Each of which can be emphasised based on what is most relevant to your organisation.

Centred: Pinpoint your purpose and channel your energy to reach your professional and personal goals no matter what.

Spacious: Leave space for the unexpected and don’t get derailed by your mind’s dire predictions of the future.

Strong: Whether you focus on how you feed, move or rest your body, your mind’s capacity to cope with the stress of change will improve as, bit by bit, you get stronger.

Smart: To advance despite adversity, it’s crucial to get smart about change – learn new skills and habits of mind to adapt to your new reality.

Supported: We all need people to get us through the hard times – whether it’s family, friends, professionals, mentors or trusted colleagues – cultivate the courage to reach out.

Karen McCarthy Keynote Speaker Eye Illustration

Photo of Karen McCarthy Keynote Speaker in Brisbane with Cane

A powerful story

No stranger to life’s challenges, Karen McCarthy is a former barrister who battled a brain tumour that almost took her life – leaving her legally blind. Karen’s keynote speech is wildly unique as she motivates and inspires, setting out an actionable framework for tackling change head on.

Structured by the nous of a legal mind, emotionally charged by the story of clawing back from the brink of death, and sprinkled with hilarious anecdotes, no audience member is safe from Karen’s laser-focused jolt of motivation, perspective, and renewed purpose.

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Karen McCarthy Change and Resilience Speaker Mouth Illustration

“Karen draws you in with her engaging style and her lived experience of overcoming adversity. She fills you with hope and offers practical solutions.

Karen is truly inspirational."

- Dr Nikola Stepanov - Lawyer, Adjunct Professor and Integrity Leader


Enquire about Karen’s availability for your event

Karen McCarthy Motivation Inspiration Illustration
Karen McCarthy Keynote Speaker Thought Bubble Illustration